It is all about change for the better. Lean Six Sigma has proven to consistently deliver change for the better. Our Master Black Belts will integrate with your organization to develop a strategy and execution roadmap that best fits your immediate and long term needs. Our goal is to help you develop a continuously sustainable culture of improvement. The ProcessArc team will become your change agents, coaches and developers of internal talent by putting in place the required infrastructure for long term success.

Whether you are interested in launching a corporate wide Lean Six Sigma quality strategy (approach 1) or just want to “test the waters” to see if this methodology is the right fit (approach 2), we are the right partners for you.


Healthcare Lean Six Sigma Launch
Healthcare Lean Six sigma Launch

This approach is tailored for organizations interested in embracing Lean Six Sigma as a corporate competency. Our central belief is that launching Lean Six Sigma entails much more than just training. You can take advantage of our years of experience to avoid re-inventing the wheel, ensuring maximized ROI on your Lean Six Sigma investment. ProcessArc will serve as accelerators in attaining your goals: We transfer our expertise to your top talent while navigating around the most common Lean Six Sigma pitfalls. Furthermore, we ensure sustainability of the Lean Six Sigma culture by developing and executing a customized program following the milestones outlined in the figure above.


Process Assessment & Refinement

Healthcare Lean Six Sigma Process Assessment & Refinement 

Organizations interested in benefiting from the power of Lean Six Sigma but not in an immediate launch of the initiative can engage ProcessArc as their in-house Lean Six Sigma resource. This path delivers results by engaging ProcessArc’s Lean Six Sigma process management expertise to  amplify an organization’s ability to pursue their revenue enhancement and service excellence goals. The strategy we employ for refining process that reduce risk and cost is outlined in the road map figure above.